Use of AI for written work at the PFH

The PFH – Private University of Applied Sciences Göttingen is a modern and application-oriented private university. Students acquire specific technical and professional qualifications as well as overarching skills that prepare them for the most pressing challenges of our time.

Modern technologies and AI are already an integral part of our lives, in many professional fields and in society. At the PFH, we encourage and demand an active approach to AI in compliance with the rules and principles of good scientific practice.

We see it as our mission to provide students, teaching staff and employees of the university with comprehensive training in the confident use of AI and to raise awareness of compliance with legal and ethical rules. AI can and should be used in teaching, learning and also in the context of academic work, such as Bachelor’s or Master’s theses, term papers and practical reflections. The focus is on transparent and reflective use as well as an open attitude towards use and a critical attitude towards its limits.

Anyone who submits written work to me is therefore expressly encouraged to use AI for this purpose. The transparent, documented use of AI never has a negative impact on the assessment. Nevertheless, the following must be taken into account:

AI does not replace your own thinking. Even if you use AI, you still need to know, be able to explain and understand what is in your work. You are responsible for reviewing AI results, validating given sources and deciding whether the results have a place in your work. Each document must contain an AI directory with the name of the tools used, prompts and the type of use in the document (or also in the source code). Further information can be found under this link.